Awareness Leads to Change
monnet – Corporate Development
Can balance sheets reflect the actual circumstances of an enterprise? Certainly: Sure. The German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch, HGB) actually prescribes this: Balance correctly, truthfully and comprehensively. Still, a regular balance sheet is abridged to mere financial aspects.
Was what has changed correctly and completely balanced? Much of what is already performed as a matter of course in your company will become visible, assessed, and valued for the first time, and will be properly booked. What was so far scarcely seen will become apparent.
Scientists and field-tested experts agree that Value Balance is an extremely meaningful, rewarding, and novel way for account balancing. Among other things to create a new awareness of the entire company. Awareness develops strength and audacity for new things.
- Artistic supervision and composition of corporate processes
- Support for management in change processes
- Development of a valuing culture
Rainer Monnet contributes his experience and creativity as an advisor for this process.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]